Martina Reisz Newberry

Once, when I owned my years,

I walked with my friend up a dirt road

that ended at a falling-down house where

two children sat on a slivered porch step.

They stared and I stared and my friend

said They could be us. The possession

of time and the not-knowing that comes

with it was much with me.

So imagine this: a dirt road and a cold sunny day,

a falling-down house and two dark-haired kids

on the splintered excuse for a step.

Imagine approaching that house,

Those children… Imagine

you’re smiling at them as you approach.

Your years are your own as mine were

so imagine those two looking up at you,

not knowing about your years or

your good intentions.

Ojos como el cielo looking at you,

daring you to come one step further.

Imagine that your smile fades and you turn around

to walk back to your friend waiting on the dirt road.

She lifts an eyebrow. You say “They’re very poor.”

Yes she says, they are.

Imagine your walk back to the small cabin

where you are a guest, the quiet except for

puffs of breath between you and the

curious pulse of the last thing you said.

Martina Reisz Newberry’s latest book is Never Completely Awake (Deerbrook Editions 2017). Passionately in love with her city, Los Angeles, she lives there with her husband, Brian Newberry, a Media Creative.

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