Jay Besemer
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Nine Books About Your Life: Jay Besemer

In our Nine Books About Your Life series, authors are invited to talk about nine types of books that have had an impact on their lives. Their responses give us a glimpse into their relationships with their books and other people’s books. In the third installment, we speak with Jay Besemer, author of the forthcoming Theories of Performance (The Lettered Streets Press).

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Review: Intersex: A Memoir by Aaron Apps

By Jay Besemer

Aaron Apps’ Intersex: A Memoir operates in a space that is both complex and difficult to name. There is no adjective that serves experiences or texts steeped in both horror and beauty, abjection and awe.

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Bind yourself to us with your impossible voice, your voice! sole soother of this vile despair.

—Arthur Rimbaud, “Phrases

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